Some volunteers of the refugee support tour are currently in northern Serbia on the road. As a first order for the Intereuropean human research aid association to the border crossings to Hungary the conditions under which the refugees there must live and how people can become active there. Because the silent media despite: the Balkan route is not tight, it continue to come to Europe people who urgently need our assistance. Here a first look:
When we arrive in Belgrade, we see the first signs that people on the Balkan route on the road are still. Refugees waiting for their distance travel in a park near the railway station.
In Kebelija, the Romanian Hungarian border at Subotica, we encounter the first camp. Some tents are available between the Serb and the Hungarian border, most of them are improvised. Our contact person tells us that there are no showers at the camp. You and a friend have distributed to wash pots and water. The Serbian border police prevented life-facilitating things like showers, cooking facilities, mosquito etc because you would rather see the people at the transit camp in the border town of Subotica.
This is however hopelessly overcrowded, and there is no way to control when and if it comes over the border as a question. Because daily 10 to 15 people are allowed through, and although the order should depend on the time of arrival, it disappears quickly from the list, if it is not local.
There is support for two volunteers who make tea, Internet and electricity available; in Kebilija another evening giving out food, and selectively using the larger organizations. Lacking above all healthy/sufficient food and sanitary installations. The second camp that we visited near the Serbian town of Horgoŝ, is in a similar State.
There are no showers or electricity. There are five DIXI-Klos for 300 people. Also here are allowed 10 to 15 people a day across the border, however, there is still no supporters * internal structure. The way to the camp goes across through the field. Refugees have built a makeshift football and volleyball court. The atmosphere is fortunately still reasonably calm and positive. Interestingly, there are no Syrians at the camp – you are not accepted according to the refugees, because these are always considered first over the border, which everyone else will wait longer.
This morning we were woken up by the police. You have checked our passports and told us that it is permitted only with special permission to help refugees. We wait for the first time and want to consider together with the other helpers * inside, how we deal with the situation. Because in the course of the morning, then more and more supporters * Interior have arrived. Together, we want to further coordinate our. Then, we decide whether we go back to Belgrade and visit a supporter * internal structure, or whether we stay here.