Currently three persons with the refugee support are tour in Greece and Turkey. Europe tries to ignore the situations of people on the run with a vengeance. You want to call the fates of people once again with photos, reports, and videos in memory.

After two months, the State of emergency in Idomeni has almost become a deceptive normality. The people in the camp have taken up somehow and the non-Geflüchteten in Europe are jaded after mass snippet reviews and photos of this prevailing circumstances. This deceives the deceptive normality about the real conditions across. To do this, more detailed article awaits you.

It's different in the Turkish Gaziantep. With the exception of the Chancellor's visit has been reported from there only rarely. The life situations of the people there are often unknown. Otherwise as Idomeni the place located just 60km from a civil war.

Two different places, the three supporter * intra currently visit and research want to, how the local people and what the circumstances look like exactly. From Idomeni they travelled yesterday already continue to Gaziantep. With the results they want to confront prejudices in Germany ("Turkey is still a safe country.", "These are all violent criminals.", etc.) and promote a more humane treatment for those in need.

Europe to can turn his back on the fate of the people on the run. If the continent is to the eyes to our fellow human beings, we are him they must back open. The different results of the current tour are expected in the coming days and weeks you – stay tuned and share them properly!

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